
Benefits of Icoone for Cellulite

Icoone Medical Laser is a non-invasive treatment that uses micro-stimulators, laser and LED light therapy to help sculpt the body and eliminate unwanted fat.


One of the most common skin concerns that Icoone Medical Laser can treat is orange peel skin – cellulite. Cellulite is the most common skin concern that women deal with starting from the age of 25. This undesirable orange-peel skin is a result of the alteration of increase of fat cells and the connective tissue under the skin.


Cellulite is most common on certain parts of the body: thighs and buttocks are the first targets, but arms are often also affected. In addition to genetics, anything that worsens blood and lymphatic circulation like sitting for too long, smoking, bad posture, tight clothing or standing for a long time leads to cellulite formation.

The capillaries become more fragile, hormonal balances lead to water retention and a bad diet causes accumulation of fat in the cells.

With many innovative technologies, Icoone Medical Laser is one of the best treatments for cellulite, because it acts on the root of the causes. Icoone’s methodology is based on the use ofspecial handpieces equipped with microstimulators, which like tiny thousands of hands, massage the skin, providing up to 21,600 microsimulations per minute, also called Mutli Micro Alveolar Stimulation. MMAS is the best way to mobilize the skin and tissue!

Thanks to the different handpieces on our Icoone Medical device at one of our luxury locations, our professionals can treat even the most delicate skin and most stubborn forms of cellulite on the body. In fact, the results of cellulite treated are visible after the first session!

Patients who pair the Icoone body treatments with pressopants or pressosuits, receive enhanced results. 

Icoone Medical Laser is a safe, targeted, natural and non-invasive treatment that harmonizes your silhouette and gives you a great feeling of wellness afterwards.

Book your sessions by calling us directly at (212) 920-7192 or by visiting our booking site.

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